

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

"that's called the catholic finger"

hola todos,

this week has gone by too fast. we have been waiting for changes and we finally found out on saturday. elder mesias and i are staying together in the same zone for at least one more change. it has been a pretty good change, we just havent had tons of success with our investigators attending church and less success with baptisms. we have good goals for theis new change though.

mom im happy that you had a great missionary experience, those are the best feelings ever. when we can feel the spirit with some complete stranger and they want to follow what they feel, it makes me feel so excited and ready to baptize them ha. its not very often that we are able to enter in houses and teach powerful lessons to the people here, so when we do and when they feel the spirit and are willing to change and get baptized, its the best feeling ever. let me know what happens with jane in the coming weeks!

weve been working our tails off and doing tons of splits with the zone to help everyone have investigators with baptismal dates, and in all we have 22 people in the zone that hae baptismal dates. its the highest number weve seen in this zone for at least 6 months whisch is great, but now or focus is getting those people to church and to the waters of baptism soon after.


Share some details about the people you're teaching right now.  Everything you can think of.
almost all of them are living together with their boyfriend/girlfriend and need to get married to be able to get baptized in febrero. one girl we are teaching in named yazna and is passing through some super hard times right now. her 2 year old daughter just went to the hospital because they discovered some disease in her nerve system and she isnt doing very well. we were able to teach her just yesterday about god and how much he loves us and how he gives us the help to overcome things like this. yazna accepted a baptismal date and committed to come to church as well this sunday.  the others work in the fields picking vegetables and are really really catholic.

What is the typical house like in Machali?
4 rooms, 1 bathroom, all concrete walls with concrete floors and a small front yard mostly. there are some super nice houses here and there in the richer parts of town, but for the most part they are really small super humble houses.

Where do the people shop for furniture, like what if they needed a new couch or table. do they decorate their homes at all? 
there are furniture stores and nice places to buy furniture, but most people dont have the money to buy it so they just buy wood planks or scrap wood and make their own furniture.

Are the people mostly humble and teachable there? 
for the most part yes. they are super catholic so they dont usually commit to coming to a different church or baptism, but they let us in every once and a while. the first thing that everyone says when we contact them is;¨im catholic just so you know, and im not ever going to change my beliefs, but whatever comes from god must be good so ill let you guys in for a few minutes.¨ thats a typical contact, or they just open their door or curtain, stick their hand out and shake their pointer finger telling us no. thats called the cathilic finger. it happens a lot.

Do most Chileans have a sense of humor? 
ya chileans are super funny and always joking around about everything. 

Have most of them seen Nacho Libre and do they think it's funny? no nacho libre isnt popular here and i dont think they would think its funny. the humor is more mexican than chilean so it doesnt make too much sense here.

What was your favorite scripture from this week? 1 nefi 10: 17-20

Did you have any light bulb moments this week?
this week while in church i was sitting in our elders quorum class and was thinking about how we haven't had much success this change. i started to think about the people in our sector and why they dont progress, when a thought came to my mind that its not their fault. its my fault as a missionary. i have been focusing a lot on the negative things this change and have ignored the positive things of this past change. the elders quorum class was on the talk by robert d hales from this past general conference called meeting the challenges of todays world and it is a great talk. read it this week. it made me realize how to refocus things again.

Did President Warne ask you why you wanted to serve a mission when you first entered the field?  If so, what was your answer?  If not, what do you think you would have said?
i honestly cant remember much of my first day and interview with president warne, but i would have said to personally come to know christ and his will and to help others do the same by exercising faith to be baptized to receive forgiveness for their sins. 

im excited for another change here in machali and for another good week! love you guys have a good week!

elder pacheco
*Brody didn't tell me where these pictures were taken, i'll ask him next week. 
let's have a moment for that burger!