

Monday, February 8, 2016

"he is a dry mormon, basically"

this week and the following weeks up until the 27th have been and are going to be totally focused on preparing modesto for baptism. he is doing so great. we went to a members house named hugo muñoz so that modesto could get to know more members and taught the word of wisdom and the law of chastiy. he committed to live them both without questions, and since he hasn't smoked, drank, or done any drugs since 1961 and since he is already married he will be able to live both commandments easily.

the situation with his wife is interesting. they have been married for 20 years now, but after a fight a while ago, they separated but only by word. they live in the same house but different sides of the house and different rooms and never even talk to each other in or out of the house. im honestly not sure why they are still married, but apparently the lord has prepared modesto in every way possible so that he can be baptized without problems as soon as possible. modesto just wants to be with his first wife again and is getting baptized with the end in mind...getting sealed to his wife next year in febrero.

we are going to teach modesto the plan of salvation and the gospel of jesus cristo this week and then he will only lack tithing and fast offerings. im positive he will have no problems with these lessons and i know he will make it to the 27th just fine. he is reading the book of mormon, all the pamphlets we leave him, and the gospel principles book to prepare himself and to learn personally.

every time we go to teach him, he says" im just a little child to you guys, you are my teachers and im going to listen and do whatever you say because i know it is from the lord." he is incredible and is a dry mormon basically.


How many ym/yw are there in Machali?  Do you get to interact with them very much?
there are about 20 ym and yw and 7 or 8 young single adults. we usually go on splits with the young men but we dont see the yw much, just sundays.

is your ward good at doing missionary work and helping the elders find contacts?
it could be better, but its the best ward ive been in my entire mission. the members are great and we can always find someone to come teach with us when we need help

what is the biggest change about living in the city instead of the country?
people in the country are much more humble and teachable, and its a lot more peaceful and quiet in the country. i like being farther away from the city and more in the open fields and finding super humble poor families.

how far away are you from the beach?
about 2 and a half hours

What was the last thing you talked to Pres Warne about?
we had our trimester interviews the other week and we talked a lot about my time as a zone leader and how to keep being a good example. i have been zl for a long time now and im ready to just work in a sector and train, or be a co companion and not worry about a big zone anymore. i know it sounds bad and it sounds like im complaining but i just want to worry about my own sector and my comp and work till my last day.

do you email Ty Brooks, Seth Moore, Dylan, Statler or other buddies besides braxton and Kaylan?
not much, ive talked to stat recently  and dj and rig, but there isnt too much time to talk to everyone every monday. i need to be better at that though

Do you miss IN n OUT or jack in the box tacos more?
thats a tough one...probably jack in the box tacos

What was the last fun thing you did?
on saturday we went to help a member trim a 60 foot tree. i got harnessed up, got a brand new chain saws and climbed right up and started chopping away. i felt like i was back in the good old lobo days with tree bark and oil flying everywhere. we got half way done, so next saturday we are going to go back to finish. we also climbed a huge mountain as a zone today and ate watermelon at the top together, ill send the pictures

What did you pull out of your quote jar today?
a quote from kaylan, "as we blaze our own trail, we must remember the ones who came before us."

i love you guys and i hope you have a great week. remember to read the book of mormon everyday and pray to know its true. adios amigos y familia, hasta la proxima semana!

con amor,

elder pacheco