

Monday, May 23, 2016

"moms homemade biscuits and gravy with fried eggs and bacon"

family and amigos,

today starts the last week of this change and im ready for this change to be over now. it hasnt been a bad change at all, its just that im ready to move on and find some new people to teach. all the people that were progressing and that had baptismal dates last week arent really progressing anymore. we have passed from one appointment to the next listening to the people tell us that they either dont want anything with the church, or they are too busy with work and school and every other excuse imaginable. 

in response to your questions mom, i have noticed that if the entire family are not members it is very hard for the member in the family to stay active and string in the church. obviously there are exceptions like hugo and his wife patricia, she is super active and is a great member, but in general its hard for the member to stay active here if the rest of the family arent members. the medical attendence is terrible here in rancagua. maria doesnt really get much support from the goverment or the hospital, and neither do any of the older people here in chile. no one here in Chile has any kind of insurance, unless its for their smart phone or their flat screen t.v.

 surprisingly i havent been sad or discouraged from not teaching or not having many people progress. i feel like elder benavente and i are doing our part the best we can. i know that people have their agency and they dont have to listen if they dont want to. for example; hugo told us yesterday that he doesnt want to get baptized anymore and that even though he recognized the spirit and fulfills with his commitments, he told us that right now is not the time for him. its sad but the lord knows when hugos time will be. the same thing happened with maria. she still comes to church and enjoys it but she doenst want to let go of her catolico traditions. she also rejected a baptismal date and said she doesnt want to be pressured into baptism now. i know that someday both hugo and maria will get baptized. now we are searching for new people.

yesterday in church there were 14 of us in sacrament meeting. by the end of the block there were 28 in total!! new record here in san francisco. the branch president didnt show up since he has been sick the last two weeks, so everything was pretty messy ha. i got to lead the music (most awkward and embarrassing thing ever) pass the sacrament, give the opening prayer, my comp spoke, elder salas gave the elders quorum class and the gospel principles teacher didn't come so maria, our investigator left early. thats a pretty average sunday here in san francisco. even though its stressful and hectic speaking at the last minute or giving a last minute class because the teacher didnt show up, im going to miss all of it for sure.


What do you love about where you are living?
the house is huge and very nice actually. we just deep cleaned the house today and everything is clean and organized. the sector we live in is super calm and quiet. nothing really goes on in san francisco, just a few drunk chilean cowboys and a train that passes by every so often.Can you tell us a story about someone you are working with?
we were working with hugo and maria but now we literally have nobody. we are in the process of getting someone to work with though.

What does a regular Saturday look like for you?
we wake up at 7 just like every other day, study from 8 30 to 11 00 work till 1 30 go to the sector at 3 30 and then we teach english classes from 5 to 6. after english classes in the chapel, we go back out to the sector until 9 30, plan and hit the sack at 11 00.

What has been the best day of your mission so far?
there have been 2. one was the baptism of danilo in san fernando, and the other was the baptism of cata with elder marshall in talca

What is your favorite verse in the scripture this week?
1 nefi 18:3. i think of the mountain as the temple and how we can receive  revelations just like nefi received in the mountain
Is there anything (As a missionary) wish you were better at?
i wish that i could love my companion like i love our investigators/members/other people in my sector

If you could choose any meal for dinner tonight, what would it be?
it would be breakfast for dinner, moms homemade biscuits and gravy with fried eggs and bacon. 

shout out to grandma and grandpa, congrats on finishing up in the mtc!!!
hope all the cousins and uncles have a great time in byu basketball camp! love you guys so much!

elder pacheco