

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"sopapillas with ketchup and hot sauce"

family and friends,

i cant believe its already the last week of school. it feels like this year just started and now were already half way through may! i love hearing about all the changes back home every week, thanks for the funny updates mom.

this week we have decided to drop most of our investigators because they arent progressing very well... we have 2 solid investigators left, and they are both spouses of members and the best part is that they are both already married!! that may sound like a small detail back home, but here in chile you almost never find investigators that are already married. one of them is named hugo, we are still trying with him and he is progressing slowly but surely still. he actually accepted a baptismal date for the 28th of june and said that he is going to strive to be ready for that day!

the other investigator we are focusing on is named maria isabela, she is the wife of our 1st counselor here in the branch. she has lots of sicknesses and diseases such as parkinsons and stages of depression so we haven't been able to teach her much until now. when we went to visit the 1st counselor, carlos, his wife maria was there and we taught about the day of sabbath and a little about baptism. maria ended up asking us some really good questions about baptism and the church and she is starting to show more interest in the church! things are slowly progressing like i said, but its better than no progress at all! 


What are you doing for dinner tonight?
a big bowl of captain crunch and the rest of my peppered beef jerkey!!

What was the last service project you did?
we went to a less actives house and chopped wood for their wood stove. everyone has wood burning stoves for the winter here. we chopped a tree down and then sawed it up and cut it into chunks to fit into the stove. thats a pretty common service around here in the winter, actually we are going back to the same hermanas house to chop another tree down and chop more wood for her tomorrow morning!

What has been your biggest challenge this week?
helping our investigators commit to coming to church and accepting a baptismal date. we got that with one investigator but there are lots more that need the same

Are there any inside jokes in your mission?
there are plenty, ill tell them all to you when im home so that they make sense in english too

What have you discovered that you love about Elder Benavente? he is quiet but has a firm testimony of the gospel and he is a very good teacher 

We discovered Mexican Hot Nuts while we were in Rocky Point at Christmas.  They're  so good! What is your favorite Mexican Snack?
churros with horchata

Does your mission have a "theme" right now?
"teach repentance, baptize converts" and "obedience, diligence, worthiness"

Are there street vendors in your area?
 yes everywhere, especially in the winter. they sell these things called sopapillas with ketchup and hot sauce and home made salsa and its so good look up "chilean sopapillas with pebre" on google

Tell us about the last time you felt protected.
every night as i go to bed i pray for the fam back home and for my comp and for protection as we sleep and nothing bad has ever happened to us.

here is elder mesias´s letter:
(his old companion sent us a letter and we couldn't translate all of it so I asked Brody to tell us what it said)

hey pacheco family, i am so grateful for your kindness and for sending me a letter. thank you for that . i want you to know that i pray for your family here from the mission chile rancagua, thank you for everything. brother and sister pacheco, you have a great son, he was one of my best companions in the mission. thank you so much, adios.

of course i remember those pjs, bronson looks better in them than i did! i feel honored to keep those pjs in the family and even more honored now that broncos wearing them!!

i love you guys so much, thank you for all the emails and for the package mom and dad. i got it on wednesday and it is the perfect end of mission package! thanks  for everything, have a great day today, 

elder pacheco

here are some pics of this week:
giant catholic church right in from of our house
happy late mothers day mom, from the catholic church of san francisco de asis
la virgin maria, elder salas, and i.